The emergence of a COVID-19 vaccine has created feelings of both relief and concern for residents state-wide. For those in the black community, the apprehension and unease stems from a history of distrust in the medical community, “many of us grew up hearing stories as children about how Black men were left to suffer during the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and, as adults, have lived out our own stories of fighting through disparities to try to get adequate care.”
COVID-19 Vaccine Creates Misgivings in Communities of Color
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About the Author: Faultline
Faultline was created in 2020 because today’s media landscape is simply unable to dig very deeply into California’s massive amount of policy and political issues in unbiased ways. As former journalists, political consultants, press secretaries and communications professionals, we see countless issues being ignored or only receiving superficial attention. There is too much heat and not enough light. This means decisions are being made in the dark, free from consequences or public scrutiny. Faultline aims to change that by serving as a non-partisan source of current news and information. We ask the unasked questions. We publish groundbreaking original content to expose what lies beneath the surface.