Biden’s Advanced Age: if reelected in 2024, Biden’s age raises concerns about his ability to handle the demands of the presidency. Maintaining a rigorous campaign schedule in critical states and addressing perceived decline in cognitive or physical abilities will be crucial. Unlike in 2020, when the pandemic forced the suspension of tours, Biden will have to visit key states like Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Kamala Harris And Her Low Popularity Rating: Biden’s age brings unusual attention to his vice president, Kamala Harris, who would become president if Biden could not fulfill his duties at any point. However, her relatively low favorability rating of 39% by RealClearPolitics poses a challenge regarding public perception.
Economic Turbulence: Concerns are rising among Democrats about potential economic challenges that could be attributed to Biden’s administration. The possibility of an economic recession, partly attributed to the Federal Reserve’s actions to combat inflation, could negatively affect Biden’s reelection prospects. Additionally, concerns about a banking crisis following the collapse of regional banks add to the economic problems.
Biden’s Tendency To Make Gaffes: Biden’s past reputation for gaffes and verbal missteps pose challenges for his team.
Lack of Enthusiasm Among Democratic Voters: Democrats are generally united behind Biden’s candidacy, but not necessarily with enthusiasm. A survey revealed that only around half of Democrats believe Biden should run in 2024.
Original Story Posted on Univision