By Stevan Allen and Hector Barajas

For far too long, California farmers have been taking cheap shots from activists and people who have built a cottage industry beating up on one of the state’s most honorable professions. 

But the reality is that there are few people with more integrity, stronger ties to the environment, and a greater commitment to their workers and communities than California farmers. In addition, California’s farmworkers are some of the hardest working and dedicated people in the world. Our farmers and farmworkers plant, harvest, and perform other tasks most Americans couldn’t do for a single day.

During the pandemic, these farmers and their employees worked tirelessly to make sure we had fresh fruit, vegetables, and dairy products in our stores. In the process, they showed the nation how to stay in business while caring for their families and community. 

Just look at the partnership in the Monterey County region between the California Grower-Shipper Association and Clinica de Salud to vaccinate more than 40,000 farmworkers

California farmworkers and farmers deserve recognition for something most of us have taken for granted. 

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