A Tale of Two Groups: New and Older Workers Account for Majority of Workers’ Compensation Claims

The Travelers Companies, Inc. has found that new employees and [...]

2023-05-19T18:01:37-07:00May 23, 2023|Health|Comments Off on A Tale of Two Groups: New and Older Workers Account for Majority of Workers’ Compensation Claims

A Mother’s Day Gut Punch: California Wants to Restrict Access to Flavored Medicine for Children

This past Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day to honor moms [...]

2023-05-17T20:04:31-07:00May 15, 2023|Health|Comments Off on A Mother’s Day Gut Punch: California Wants to Restrict Access to Flavored Medicine for Children

Is it Time to Rethink Wireless? The Court Says Yes, While California Charges Forward

Speed is essential, but our local communities should be included in the decision-making process. The recent Circuit Court of Appeal ruling and health implications require it. 

2023-07-10T19:29:56-07:00September 25, 2021|Community, Health, State Legislature|Comments Off on Is it Time to Rethink Wireless? The Court Says Yes, While California Charges Forward
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