The latest round of shutdowns by Governor Gavin Newsom has devastated businesses throughout California. Without some immediate assistance, many of these mostly small businesses will collapse and become extinct. 

In trying to address the concerns from small businesses, Governor Newsom has recently allowed some businesses to expand their services into outdoor spaces. However, it remains unclear what types of local permits are needed in order to operate outdoors or if there are any temporary code regulation waivers.

While many restaurants have already taken it upon themselves to get creative with added outdoor tables, it seems unclear how hair salons, massage parlors and gyms will operate outdoors. 

In many parts of California, the current weather is topping at 100 degrees. For many businesses, operating indoors with limited clients and detailed cleaning procedures may be a safer environment than moving their operations outdoors.

As San Francisco Chronicle columnist Phil Matier pointed out, small businesses have to decide if adapting to even more rules and regulations is worth it. Matier stated, “Starting up and then stopping and then starting up again, costs money.” Governor Newsom would do well for himself if he stopped with his “one-size fits all” guidelines. His guidelines should be tailored county by county, with a focus on saving many thousands of small business owners from bankruptcy and/or shuttering permanently.