Common sense isn’t exactly a term one usually associates with the City of San Francisco, where plastic straws are banned but syringes are passed out like Halloween candy. But when it comes to putting its foot down on the issue of vaccinations for COVID, the city deserves major, major kudos.

San Francisco is the first city nationwide to implement a full vaccination mandate, which goes into effect Aug. 20. Unlike New York City, San Francisco is requiring people to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 instead of needing just one shot. All restaurants, bars, clubs, gyms and large indoor events will be required to obtain proof of vaccination from patrons and employees to protect against the continued spread of COVID-19.

It is one of the few places in the United States that seems willing to play hardball when it comes to protecting public safety and holding the anti-vaxer mob accountable for shunning science and the public good.

In a news release, SF Mayor London Breed put it this way: “Vaccines are our way out of the pandemic.”

Hardly a news flash, but this basic concept has somehow gotten lost in all the polarization and radioactivity. 

California should follow this lead and clamp down in other ways. How about allowing insurance companies the right to raise or even cancel life insurance premiums for the unvaccinated? What about making the unvaccinated responsible for all their own hospital bills that result from COVID? What about letting Charles Darwin clean house?

SF is calling out this irresponsibility. Good for them. And it is heartening to see the California Teachers Association put a stake in the ground requiring all teachers be vaccinated. It would be nice if the union accelerated that process, but at least CTA is doing the right thing.

The anti-vaxxers are displaying astonishing irrationality, selfishness and ignorance. During wartime Americans have given their lives. Post 9/11, Americans sacrificed convenience and privacy for the greater good. But millions of people refuse to wear masks and shun vaccines? Anyone who has raised a child knows the connection between decisions and consequences. Frankly, the anti-vaxxers deserve whatever they get for putting our society at risk.