Trump Launches Investigation Into California’s High-Speed Rail Mismanagement

California’s ambitious High-Speed Rail project, which was initially intended to [...]

2025-02-14T15:13:03-08:00February 20, 2025|Donald Trump, Economy, State Legislature|Comments Off on Trump Launches Investigation Into California’s High-Speed Rail Mismanagement

California’s Healthcare Workers Secure Historic Pay Raise to $25 an Hour Amid Budget and Industry Challenges

Some of California’s lowest-paid healthcare workers have started receiving a [...]

2024-11-13T09:38:59-08:00November 13, 2024|Economy|Comments Off on California’s Healthcare Workers Secure Historic Pay Raise to $25 an Hour Amid Budget and Industry Challenges

Despite Sky-High Gas Prices, California Passes New Bill That Could Raise Them Even More

The California Assembly passed ABX2-1, a bill requiring the state’s [...]

2024-10-10T14:09:30-07:00October 10, 2024|Economy|Comments Off on Despite Sky-High Gas Prices, California Passes New Bill That Could Raise Them Even More

Allstate’s Proposed 34.1% Rate Hike on Homeowners Insurance to Hit California’s Middle Class and Poor the Hardest

The proposed 34.1% increase in Allstate's homeowners insurance rates will [...]

2024-07-19T08:48:31-07:00July 19, 2024|Economy|Comments Off on Allstate’s Proposed 34.1% Rate Hike on Homeowners Insurance to Hit California’s Middle Class and Poor the Hardest
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