A burglary crew in Southern California, known as the “Reflector Vest Crew,” has been arrested for a series of high-end home burglaries while disguised as construction workers. The Los Angeles Police Department identified the suspects as Roderick Dennis, 39, of Los Angeles; Michael Mitchell, 21, of Ontario; and Munya Jones, 21, of Los Angeles. From March to June, the crew targeted affluent neighborhoods in Studio City, West Los Angeles, and West Hollywood. They wore reflective vests to blend in, and if a home appeared unoccupied, they would break in through the rear.
The burglars ransacked homes, stealing designer purses, jewelry, watches, and cash. They employed sophisticated methods and rented vehicles to conceal their identities. Responsible for over 30 burglaries, they were finally caught on June 27 during a burglary in Studio City. All three were charged with multiple counts of residential burglary.
A search warrant led to the arrest of a fourth person, Ashley Ellison, 33, the girlfriend of one suspect. She had allegedly rented the getaway cars and stored stolen items at her home. Detectives found two stolen firearms, jewelry appraisals, cash, and additional evidence linking the crew to the burglaries. Ellison was arrested for receiving stolen property.
The LAPD continues to investigate to identify additional suspects and crimes connected to this group. The case is being prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.